
What is the Difference Between the Functions Below the Scopes and those in the Control Panel

Both control panel and scopes show the various functions.

control-panel-freescopesThey vary depending on the version and configuration which you purchased.

In the control panel, you can set functions and filter values.
You can set:

  • Suppress DC (eliminating the echo of the source)

  • Reverse the signal (this reverses the signal, a feature that is sometimes needed in FFT)

  • Set the Sensitive Time Control (STC)

  • Activate the MTI

  • Set and configure the CFAR (static threshold can be set in the scopes directly)


In the choice box below the scopes you find the signal conversion chain:
First you get Raw Data, then STC, then Suppress DC, then MTI, then CFAR.
You can place for instance 5 A-scopes next to each other.

  • The left one shows the Raw Data

  • The second shows the Suppress DC (if you activated it  in the control panel)

  • The third shows Suppress DC + STC (if you activated it in the control panel)

  • The fourth shows  Suppress DC + STC + MTI

  • The last one shows Suppress DC + STC + MTI + CFAR

So the student has the possibility to compare all stages in the signal conversion chain. It show what impact each of these functions / filters has.

Playing on the settings in the control panel makes the learning experience intense.

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