
Tower Simulator (ACC, APP, 3D TWR, GND)


SkyRadar offers the most exhaustive end-to-end Tower Simulator in the market, including 3D TWR, APP, ACC, but also GND & A-SMGCS and more. Based on an operational ATC system, it is a suitable tool for ATCO and ATSEP training.

The design of the system is fully in compliance with ICAO and EUROCONTROL standards and recommendations and the manufacturer is certified by Civil Aviation Authority for design, development and implementation of Aviation Ground Facilities. This means that all components of the simulator are designed, developed and manufactured according to the same quality and reliability standards as operational ATM Systems.


 The simulator is actually based on an operational ATC system which is deployed by many civil and military operators. 

Read more about the special military version.

Read more about the version integrating Airport Fire Fighting Systems and Real Radars.

But it is more than what most competitors offer. The user gets the full live experience and the possibility to experiment on any possible scenario. SkyRadar's simulator builds on and includes a real ATC solution, compliant to international standards (ICAO, EUROCONTROL), made by Air Navigation and Control Experts for Experts. When feeding the inputs of the operational system with simulator data it turns into a simulator. As not only the front-end is real, but also the back-end, the data communication and the voice communication system. 

When feeding the inputs of the operational system with simulator data it turns into a simulator. As not only the front-end is real, but also the back-end, the data communication and the voice communication system. 

Fully End-to-End with Real Radar Sources for ATCO & ATSEP Training

SkyRadar's primary and secondary radars can be bound in (through standard protocols like ASTERIX), as well as live-data from the Airport, FIR or the RadNet. This opens up the simulator for ATCO as well as ATSEP training.

The ATCO personnel can learn procedures, regulations, emergency handling etc.

The ATSEP can benefit from the full environment, where he or she can learn the service, maintenance and emergency situations in a close to real environment with real components. 

Hardware Components

      • All hardware equipment is COTS, compliant to ICAO operational requirements.
      • Computers  are PCs COTS type high performance for tasks assigned, following the requirements of operational systems. 
      • Touchscreen monitors are either table or chassis models or mounted on an arm, humidity resistant
      • VCS equipment with high robustness and convenience in use, such as lightweight headsets
      • Servers are heavy duty robust machines of industrial make in order to withstand the demand for computing power and high heat dissipation
      • Dolby Surround 5.1 Sound System including Doppler Effect
      • Flight Data Processing System
      • Strip Printing System
      • Working positions are either robust integrated consoles or free standing equipment, depending on customer requirement and budget.


Software Components

The system includes (a subset of or all) the following components:

  • Controller Working Positions CWP
  • Pseudo-Pilot-Positions PPP
  • Image generator to generate the 3D scene
  • Sound generator generating a dolby surround sound
  • Traffic generator for air and ground traffic
  • Satefy Nets such as: STCA, MSAW, DAIW, CLAM, RAM
  • System Management Module, managing system resources and interfaces
  • Flight Data Processing System FDPS


  • Voice Communication System VCS including recording and replay
  • Technical workstation, including system admin and backup tools
  • NTP server as time reference system
  • Time-synchronized audio and video recording and replay system
  • Learning management system, monitoring and evaluating the students performance,
    information management and sharing for the instructors
  • Basic exercise editor and presimulator for the exercise workstation
  • Flights database tools for generation and usage of flights database library
  • FIR mapper for the preparation of the airspace database and surveillance videomaps
  • TWR mapper for the preparation of the aerodrome database and ground videomaps
  • Strips designer for electronic and paper-based strips
  • Aircraft capabilities editor
  • and more


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