Security Module

Part #: SkyRadar PSR-Security-Ver.5.0


The Security module builds on the PSR Module and is made for homeland security and military oriented radar training. It allows training on Electronic Counter Measures as well as Electronic Counter Counter Measures. This product is subject to restricted export regulation of the European Union and requires explicit release by the German Foreign Trade Office BAFA

The Security Module consists of:

  • One (1) Computer-controlled hardware jammer for Electronic Counter Measure (ECM)
  • One (1) Computer-controller FMCW radar for Electronic Counter Counter Measure Functionalities (ECCM)
  • One (1) Laptop with SkyRadar Security Software installed
  • One (1) software license


  • none

The Security Module comprises of a hardware based target generator, which is able to create ghost targets. It is connected to a PC, where the SkyRadar Security Software generates disturbances and ghost targets. Supported by a configurator software, it serves as hardware jammer to create disturbances. The Security Module further includes Electronics Counter Counter Measure functionalities (ECCM). Various exercises can be conducted on the system to react on the multiple possible attack strategies through jammers and ghost targets.