
    FMCW 8 GHz / 24 GHz Combi - Data Sheet


    At the heart of the system is are two FMCW transceiver.s; one with 8 GHz and one with 24 GHz.  The transmitter can emit very short pulses through the antenna and monitor the reflected pulses. The pulses are reflected of fixed objects (buildings, trees…) and moving objects (cars, people…) which pass the antenna beam. The FMCW Combi Module  provides the opportunity to study Doppler effects.
    The signals are digitally processed using a Digital Signal Processor (DSP), data is visualized through the analysis and visualization software SkyRadar FreeScopes.
    The system in its standard standard configuration has a range up to 20 m. The solution comes with a horn antenna (8 GHz) and a patch antenna (24 GHz). 

    The combi module allows to experiment in the two major bands used by FMCW radars.

    General Features

    • Active radar, designed for perfectly save indoors and outside operation in close and near range (transmitter output power significantly lower as such of a mobile phone).
    • The following operating modes can be technically enabled in the hardwareFMCW Base Module-basic
      o   FMCW
      o   Doppler
    • Antennas
      • Horn antenna (operation 8 GHz)
      • Patch antenna (operation 24 GHz)
    • Powerful and fast radar image processor.
    • All measurements are performed in real time. No sub‐sampling or substitution techniques.
    • Optimized for detection of real targets in a 3-dimensional space within laboratories or outside , remote controlled remote controlled aircraft. No limiting target table or rail system required.
    • Extendable with rotary tripod, parabolic reflector, linear conveyor for SAR operations

    System Features

    FMCW A-Scope   

    Power and Physical Characteristics  12V
    Output power at transmitter +19 dbm  (~ 75 mW)
    Maximum Range more than 20 m
    Sampling Rate 50 fps / 2 Mega-samples per second

    with array antenna and horn:

    230mm x 270mm x 100mm

    Net Weight 1.00 - 2.00 kg

     Horn-antenna-FMCW-combi   Patch-antenna

    Figure: the two antennas of the FMCW combi unit

    Range and Antenna Standard
    Max Bandwidth 1 GHz (~ 4,2% of the centre operating frequency)
    Sweep time value 79 µs
    Resolution at 1 GHz Bandwidth 15  cm 
    Spurious Emissions (ETSI 300 440) - 30 dBM
    Range > 20 m

    Minimium Distance 1.5 m
    • Horn Antenna
    • Patch Antenna
    Horizontal Antenna Beamwidth 30 dBi
    Vertical Antenna Beamwidth 20 dBi
    Antenna Gain  + 17 dBi

    Transmitter Features

    Supply Voltage 12V
    Supply Current 300 mA
    Operating Temperature -20 … + 60 °C

    Table: General operative characteristics of the Transceiver

    Carrier Frequency
    • 8 GHz
    • 24,0 GHz

    Table : Operative characteristics of the Transmitter 

    Receiver Features

    Receiver Gain (configurable)  + 20 dBi ... 80 dBi
    Receiver Sensitivity – 132 dBm
    Overall Sensitivity - 151 dBc

    Table : Operative characteristics of the Receiver (subsection of the Transceiver)

    Delivery and Export Regulations based on European Law

    SkyRadar produces products to train the civil use of radar equipment. We actively take that mission to makes this world a better and safer place. We do not provide goods which are in conflict of the dual use regulation (unless with specific written consent of the European Regulation Bodies and if the purpose is a peaceful one). SkyRadar has received a general export permit 40066564 dated 22.08.2011.

    SkyRadar emphasizes that the COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 428/2009 and its amendments are the only authentic legal reference and that the information in this document does not constitute legal advice.

    According Paragraph 6A008, goods are subject to the above stated Regulation, when they comply to the following criteria: 


    Explanation why SkyRadar does not comply to these criteria

    a. Operating at frequencies from 40 GHz to 230 GHz and having any of the following: ...

    The system operates at 24 GHz and operates with max 75 mW far below the critical threshold

    b. A tunable bandwidth exceeding ± 6,25 % of the 'centre operating frequency'

    The bandwidth is 4,2% of the centre operating frequency

    c. Capable of operating simultaneously on more than two carrier frequencies

    The system operates with one carrier frequency

    d. Capable of operating in synthetic aperture (SAR), inverse synthetic aperture (ISAR) radar mode, or sidelooking airborne (SLAR) radar mode

    The combi module itself does not include SAR,  iSAR or SLAR features.

    e. Incorporating electronically scanned array antennae

    The system does not work with electronically scanned array antennae. It operates either with 1-2 horn antennae or with a static patch antenna.

    The dual use regulation, in particular paragraph 6A008 does not control "Displays or monitors used for air traffic control (ATC)", as done by SkyRadar FreeScopes.

    Section l.1 of paragraph 6A008 addresses "Automatic target tracking" providing, at any antenna rotation, the predicted target position beyond the time of the next antenna beam passage. This paragraph however does not "control conflict alert capability in ATC systems". Only that is done by the SkyRadar FreeScopes software. Target tracking in terms of trajectory projection, as done by military systems is explicitly excluded and not part of the system.

    Paragraph 6A108 concerns Radar systems and tracking systems, other than those specified in entry 6A008. It covers Radar and laser radar systems designed or modified for use in space launch vehicles specified in 9A004 or sounding rockets specified in 9A104. This is not applicable to the SkyRadar training equipment.