ADS-B Module

Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) is a surveillance technology for tracking aircraft as part of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). ADS-B makes flying significantly safer for the aviation community. This ADS-B live module tracks real ADS-B squitter signals in the sky, and with the help of a sophisticated simulation, it augments the received set of data and complements it with Mode A, C and S interrogation signals.
The signals are visualized in a plan-position-indicator as well as through pulse diagrams.
ADS-B receiver, decoder and signal processing server (learn more about the server)
ADS-B Antenna
Analysis and Visualization Environment (as add-on to the FreeScopes Software)
The ADS-B training system operaties with real life air traffic data, providing an understanding of real-life data, visualized through FreeScopes on an unlimited number of concurrent PCs.

Computer with latest HTML5 enabled browser. Current versions of Chrome, Firefox, MS Internet explorer, Opera and Safari are able to read HTML5.
SkyRadar FreeScopes (comes free with the SkyRadar Cloud Server).
SkyRadar CloudServer.
- SkyRadar Cloud Server
- SkyRadar Base Module
- SkyRadar Rotary Tripod
- SkyRadar Parabolic Reflector
- SkyRadar Target Tracker
- SkyRadar Security
- SkyRadar Target Subsystems
- Vessel
- Quadcopter

Visualization of DF17 Squitter Signal via FreeScopes software in a PPI-Scope (Plan-Position-Indicator)
Visualization of interrogation and downlinks as pulse diagrams as well as in a table