
Modular 24 GHz PSR Extension to the 8 GHz NextGen Pulse Module

In 2021, SkyRadar introduced the NextGen Training Radar Suite. It featured the 8 GHz Pulse radar. Now several extensions are available like a pseudo-noise radar (PSR), or the FMCW. This concept turns the NextGen into a platform, allowing to add virtually any radar, sonar or sensor.

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Spectrogram in FreeScopes - What is it Good for in Radar Technology? (Video)

The Spectrogram looks at the received power from the targets. It represents the first one-dimensional Fourier transform and is given in a logarithmic scale. The received power spectrum allows to detect moving targets.

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Heatmap of Range and Doppler Made Visible with Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) (Video)

The following video visualizes the Doppler frequencies of a person approaching and moving away from the radar source. We apply Fast Fourier Transform.

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MTI and MTI with Post Processing Applied to Data from the 24 GHz Noise Radar

The 24 GHz Radar allows us to do play in the frequency band of 5G. In the following video we apply the Moving Target Indication Algorithm, with and without post-processing.

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I and Q Signals - How Are They Treated in Digital Signal Processing (Video)

In this video, we give an introduction into I and Q Signals in the context of digital signal processing. We handle and visualize them in FreeScopes Basic I.

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Firefighting Trainer - Distributed Control System Simulation Now Also Available for the Oil and Gas Industry (Video)

SkyRadar produces integrative FireFIghting Trainers, including Hardware and 3D simulation (which can run independently). Our clients appreciated this, and we were motivated to expand the range of simulation scenarios, including the the oil and gas segment.

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Source Suppression with FreeScopes (Video)

This video explains how noise and reflections of a radar source are suppressed in general. It also shows how this can be easily implemented and visualized with SkyRadar's Digital Signal Processing environment FreeScopes.

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Comparing Various Algorithms That Display Moving Objects (MTI, MTI PP, MTD, MTD DF) (Video)

In this video we show, compare and discuss  the implementations of several algorithms to detect or indicate moving targets. The signals are detected with SkyRadar's NextGen 8 GHz Training radar and visualized with the FreeScopes Environment.

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Comparing PPI Radar Images of Raw Data and Data Treated with Moving Target Indication (Video)

SkyRadar's FreeScopes Basic I includes the Moving Target Algorithm. In this video, we compared the radar image of pure unfiltered I/Q raw data and data after treatment through an MTI block and a subsequent static threshold.

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