
Video on SkyRack ATM - the ATSEP Training Infrastructure for System Monitoring & Control

In this video, we present SkyRack ATM, the training infrastructure for system monitoring and control.

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A Didactical System to Train System Monitoring And Control Compliant to EASA's Easy Access Rules for ATM-ANS

SkySMC - SkyRadar’s System Monitoring and Control Suite is a pedagogically enhanced, fully operational monitoring tool. We have optimized it to cater for the ATSEP-SMC training compliant to EASA's Easy Access Rules for ATM-ANS (Regulation (EU) 2017/373) and to ICAO doc 10057.

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Cleaning A-Scope and PPI from Barrage Jamming Attacks

The following video shows how to react on barrage jamming attacks. We generate the inputs with the SkySim Radar and Jamming Simulator.

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Cleaning Radar Signals in the A-Scope

We prerecorded a person's movements in front of the NextGen Radar. In replay mode, we show step-by-step how to clean the signal.

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FreeScopes Recording and Replay Features (Video)

SkyRadar now offers a recording and replay feature to record IQ data log files from live recordings, or from a blend of live data and superimposed simulated data (e.g. disturbances or deception through jamming).

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Pedagogically Enhanced Monitoring System in Intuitive FreeScopes Style (Video)

SkyRadar has developed a pedagogically enhanced monitoring environment. The system trains ATSEP on monitoring system health, but also on rapidly locating errors or points of system degradation, on rapidly fixing them and keeping downtimes short.

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Spot and Barrage Jamming - A Training Solution For Military And Homeland Security Qualification (Videos)

This article looks at spot jamming and barrage jamming and describes how these jammers and electronic counter counter measurres are implemented in SkyRadar's  FreeScopes DSP environment.

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Various Algorithms for Moving Targets Applied on FMCW Raw Data (Video)

The following video shows the algorithms Moving Target Indication (MTI) , MTI with post processing, Moving Target Detection (MTD) as well as MTD with Doppler filter, applied on raw data of a 24 GHz FMCW.

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SkyRadar's Monitoring System for ATSEP - Integrating Radar & Tower Simulator, 8 GHz Pulse Radar, as well as Several Technical Training Labs (Video)

This article introduces SkyRadar's Monitoring Training System for ATSEP. It trains ATSEP on rapidly locating errors or points of system degradation, on rapidly fixing them and keeping downtimes short.

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