
Range Deception Scenario in SkySim - See How Intelligent Jamming Attacks Work (Video)

Typically, when sophisticated drones or warplanes approach in enemy territory, they cover their real location through a DRFM jammer. They are more intelligent and difficult to dismantle than the classical noise jamming.

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SkySim - Radar Simulator with Moving Target Indication MTI (Video)

This video introduces into the MTI algorithm in SkySim - the technical radar simulator.

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Record & Replay in FreeScopes - Possibilities to Enhance Your Training Arrangements (Video)

This video shows the record and replay function and suggests learning arrangements where record and replay can enable new learning arrangements.

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The SkyRadar Product Family is Growing

The SkyRadar product family embraces primary and secondary training radars, simulators, jammers, system monitoring and control solutions, and a complete tower and radar simulator. All systems are based on service-oriented architecture and can be interconnected via plug and play.

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SkySim - Noise Jamming with SkyRadar's Technical Radar Simulator

This video shows SkySim's noise jamming features. It's the most common and most simply approach of jamming. It is also the easiest to detect and uncover.

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SkySim - Feature Overview of SkyRadar's Technical Radar Simulator (Video)

This video describes the features of the technical radar simulator.

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System Monitoring & Control - Connecting Our Multi-Sensor Box

SkyRadar's System Monitoring and Control is an open system. It lives of all the components that can be connected. In this video we present the multi-sensor box, a device which can help to include virtually anything into the overall monitored surface.

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Assembly of SkyRadar's NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Radar - It Just Takes a Couple of Minutes

In this video we show you step by step, how to assemble SkyRadar's NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Radar.

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SkyRadar - Complete Solution & Fully in Phase With the ATM Master Plan (Video)

SkyRadar's modules can be interconnected as easy as Lego. But its architecture is service-oriented like the Single European Sky in the ATM-Masterplan and interconnected ATM like in ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan.

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