
Why should Safety-Nets Be Implemented in Radar and Tower Simulators

Safety nets are technical applications used to protect aircraft and ground from hazardous situations. 

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Radar and Tower Simulators: How to design Academy and OPS Simulators in an Effective and Collaborative Way

To satisfy operational requirements of ATCO and ATSEP at all locations and to reach compliance with ICAO, air navigation services providers (ANSP) should set up Academy Training Centers and OPS Training centers. But how to conceive the simulators?

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Understanding A-SMGCS Functionality – What is Important in a Tower Simulator?

Tower Simulators should comprise the A-SMGCS (Advanced Surface Movement Guidance & Control System) to provide important simulations for routing, guidance, and surveillance for controlling aircraft. The ATCO will learn how to maintain the stated surface movement rate regardless of the weather conditions. 

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Technical Features of a Tower Simulator including an Advanced Surface Movement Guidance & Control System (A-SMGCS)

In the Doc 9830, ICAO defines Advanced Surface Movement Guidance & Control Systems (A-SMGCS ) as systems "providing routing, guidance and surveillance for the control of aircraft and vehicles in order to maintain the declared surface movement rate under all weather conditions within the aerodrome visibility operational level (AVOL) while maintaining the required level of safety" [1].  But what is required in a good simulator for A-SMGCS?

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3D Tower Simulator & Radar Simulator - Saving Costs and Offering Highest Training Variety With Challenging Imaginary Airports and FIR

In most of the cases, aviation academies want to model their airport in 3D and create a video map of the surrounding FIR. But often, a fantasy airport has a more sustainable teaching impact. And a significant cost-saving potential. Learn why!

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Radar & 2D Tower Simulator - The Smart Way into a Modular Suite of Radars & Tower Simulators

You are building up your ATC training center. A Radar and Tower simulator is important. But often budget is limited. Here is a way to build it in a modular way in function of your available budget. Making sure that the training center can generate revenues to subsidize the subsequent investments.

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Tower and Radar Simulators - Sometimes Upgrading the Existing Solution Allows For Benefitting from Novelties Without Exceeding a Tight Budget Frame

Lots of things changed during the last 5 years with respect to operations, procedures and tasks. ATC training infrastructure needs to comply with ever changing applicable law, directives, regulations and pedagogical needs. But how to upgrade an existing Tower & Radar Simulator with limited budget?

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What makes a great Tower Simulator and Radar Simulator?

Tower Simulators and Radar Simulators are essential for the ATCO and ATSEP qualification. But what makes a good system?

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What is an Aerodrome Simulator, a Tower Simulator and a Radar Simulator?

ICAO's requirements for ATCO and ATSEP qualification make simulators necessary to understand the processes and routines during normal operations, but also in emergency situations and contexts of depreciated technology. This article tries to clarify terms and also highlights important features.

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