
NextGen Pulse Radar Implementation and Application Test by Ulisses Sodré de Almeida, Edasim Brazil

NextGen implementation and application test by Ulisses Sodré de Almeida, Edasim, Brazil.

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Empowering ATSEP & ATCO - Holistic Qualification Infrastructure Including Tower Simulators, Monitoring, Cybersecurity, Radar and Technical Labs

ATC keeps on getting more challenging. ATSEP & ATCO have to perform in normal times and to excel in times of incidents and system degradation. In this article and video we give a short insight into SkyRadar's modular qualification solutions.

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Challenges in Automotive Radars - To be addressed in Radar Training

Today's auto mechanics who undergo automotive radar training are called "autotronics technicians." They must be knowledgeable about the part of the electromagnetic spectrum called millimeter waves, located between microwave and infrared waves. This frequency range covers 30 gigahertz (GHz) to  300 GHz. It allows for faster digital communications using radar and 5G. Here's a look at how millimeter waves facilitate automotive radar training and testing.

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Radar Operators, Don't Get Tricked by Aircraft Flying in Formation !

When does an ATM radar actually see an aircraft, and when does it only see one target (instead of a formation of warplanes). Why does a radar sometimes miss an aircraft. Here some explanation.

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NextGen 8 GHz Pulse & Doppler Radar - the Only Training Radar Allowing to Play On the Complete Signal Conversion Chain

The radar image is not the result of one single signal conversion function. It is rather the consequence of a sequence of transformations. SkyRadar's training radar allows students to play on most of the stages concurrently - and independently!

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What makes a great Tower Simulator and Radar Simulator?

Tower Simulators and Radar Simulators are essential for the ATCO and ATSEP qualification. But what makes a good system?

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Radar Training for ATC - A Reference Configuration

What would be the right configuration for a basic radar training system for ATCO and ATSEP? This article proposes a reference solution.

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Radar Qualification for ATCO and ATSEP - Is PowerPoint Based Training Good Enough?

Often, when we discuss with trainers their methods of training supply, I learn that radar technology is taught exclusively based on PowerPoint slides. It makes me feel uncomfortable to see that for a driver's licence, or for a hairdresser's qualification, you need hands-on training, but for the people who are in charge of the security of millions of lives, PowerPoint slides should be good enough. That does not work!

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FreeScopes 6.0 - Presenting "Clean" Targets Quickly and Comfortably

We prepared a short video for you. We chose our 4 m x 4 m metal workshop as location. So you see how the radar and FreeScopes handle clutter and work in small unfavorable environments. You also get a feeling on the UI's basic features and the comfort.

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