
Mastering Plots and Tracks with FreeScopes: Techniques for Accurate Target Tracking (Video)

In today's video, we demonstrate how to create plots and tracks using FreeScopes.

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The Future of Radar Training: Discover the Advantages of SkyRadar's FreeScopes

SkyRadar's FreeScopes platform offers a range of distinctive advantages and unique characteristics that make it an ideal choice for educational institutions and training programs focused on radar technology and signal processing.

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What is behind FreeScopes ATC I and II ? (Video)

This brief video outlines FreeScopes ATC I and ATC II within a broader framework. It demonstrates how the algorithms enhance ATSEP skills, building upon the foundations established by FreeScopes Basic I and II.

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Multiple Plots and Tracks in FreeScopes (Video)

In this video we show how FreeScopes can track and differentiate multiple targets, plot the history dots and indicate direction and speed with a speed vector.

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Comparing Various Algorithms to Monitor Moving Targets (Video)

This video illustrates how to monitor moving targets through various alternative algorithms. It provides an easy to follow introduction into the setup of a radar block diagram and its scopes (A-Scope, PPI) using previously recorded IQ data.

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Micro-Doppler Frequencies Visualized with the NextGen and FreeScopes (Video)

In this video we visualize the movement of a Fidget Spinner (hand-held toy) with the 8 GHz Pulse Radar, a Fast Fourier Transformation and a Heatmap in FreeScopes

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Surveillance of Moving Targets - Comparison of MTD & Kalman Filter (Video)

This video compares the MTD algorithm and the Kalman filter. The use case is a moving target, in this particular case a person moving zig zag in front of SkyRadar's 8 GHz NextGen Pulse radar.

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ATSEP Use-Cases: Understanding Target Formation and Fixing Track Errors

Sometimes a single plot or a track gets split into two targets appearing at different positions. This split of targets is termed double targeting. This article explains the reasons and suggests countermeasures.

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Various Algorithms for Moving Targets Applied on FMCW Raw Data (Video)

The following video shows the algorithms Moving Target Indication (MTI) , MTI with post processing, Moving Target Detection (MTD) as well as MTD with Doppler filter, applied on raw data of a 24 GHz FMCW.

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