
SkySim - Noise Jamming with SkyRadar's Technical Radar Simulator

This video shows SkySim's noise jamming features. It's the most common and most simply approach of jamming. It is also the easiest to detect and uncover.

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Hybrid Defense for Air Force and Navy

Military forces around the world have had to contend with political issues between their nations for thousands of years. In the early days of our world, wars would be fought over land, property, kingdoms, resources, and differences in belief systems. The world has evolved over the past several centuries between the bronze age, renaissance and industrial.

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Electronic Warfare - Range Deception in a Practical Experiment with a Rotating 8 GHz Pulse Radar and Aresia's Active Target

With ARESIA-OZOIR's active target and SkyRadar's NextGen 8 GHz Pulse radar we experiment on range deception and radar lock-in with a rotating radar.

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Aresia's Active Target Works Perfectly For Range and Speed Deception Training on SkyRadar's NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Radar

ARESIA-OZOIR's active target is a convincing tool to train electronic warfare with SkyRadar's NextGen 8 GHz Pulse radar.

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Spot and Barrage Jamming - A Training Solution For Military And Homeland Security Qualification (Videos)

This article looks at spot jamming and barrage jamming and describes how these jammers and electronic counter counter measurres are implemented in SkyRadar's  FreeScopes DSP environment.

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