
Identity Is The New Perimeter In Data Centric Security - Why the ATSEP Approach to Cybersecurity Requires Rethinking

Ground-to-Ground and Ground-to-Air interoperability make perimeter-orientation in cybersecurity obsolete. Cyber-security needs to be data-centric. Identity for systems and humans is a keystone in interconnected ATM.

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Cybersecurity Challenges in Air Traffic Management

Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems support aircraft in their transition from departure to destination. Given their strategic importance to societies and economies, they are an appealing target for cyber threat actors.

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What Are the Impacts of Data Exchange in ATC & SWIM on Monitoring, Cybersecurity & Related ATSEP Training?

Increased aviation capacity, cost savings and a continuously reducing CO2 impact build on reliable interoperability and information exchanged within and between various ANSPs and connected players. This impacts SMC and Cybersecurity requirements.

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Hybrid Defense for Air Force and Navy

Military forces around the world have had to contend with political issues between their nations for thousands of years. In the early days of our world, wars would be fought over land, property, kingdoms, resources, and differences in belief systems. The world has evolved over the past several centuries between the bronze age, renaissance and industrial.

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Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity in Air Traffic Control

This article sheds light on the potential roles of Artificial Intelligence in improving Cybersecurity in times of data-driven and digitalized Air Traffic Management.

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Establishing Cybersecurity Structures and Procedures in Air Traffic Control - a Webinar (Video)

This webinar has a close look at proactive and reactive security in Air Traffic Control. It introduces into main threats, cybersecurity technology, monitoring and response processes, as well as strategies of buildin Cyber-Security Incident Response Teams.

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Studying Cybersecurity in Civil Aviation, Including Developing and Applying Aviation Cybersecurity Risk Assessment (IEEE-Journal Article)

The aviation sector is one of the fast growing sectors in the world due to the fast growth of air traffic density. Therefore, the management of air traffic receives significant important. Such a significant demand in air traffic density requires improvement in the capabilities of critical infrastructure in communication, navigation aids, aeronautical surveillance, and System-Wide Information Management (SWIM).

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Empowering ATSEP & ATCO - Holistic Qualification Infrastructure Including Tower Simulators, Monitoring, Cybersecurity, Radar and Technical Labs

ATC keeps on getting more challenging. ATSEP & ATCO have to perform in normal times and to excel in times of incidents and system degradation. In this article and video we give a short insight into SkyRadar's modular qualification solutions.

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Cyber-attacks & ATC - Don't Panic, But Act Now!

Aviation and Air Traffic Control in particular risk to be a prominent target for hackers. There is no reason to panic, as there are solutions. But the technical teams, ATSEP in particular need to get active, now!

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