Many academies and universities are contemplating how to get started again. What are the necessary steps? Are they costly? How can blended learning and virtual labs be rapidly set up?
There are free-of-charge or economical products available which help you set up a reasonable first step in just some days. In a second step, you can set up a learning infrastructure based on Moodle.
This blog has the details.
You can rapidly set up a first preliminary solution using a set of Google tools.
Google Classroom helps you setting up and organizing courses. Lecturers can organize their time table, communicate with groups and individuals, and assign and receive homework in return.
Connecting this to Google Meet gives your academy an initial distance learning infrastructure. It is a free conferencing system, simple and easy to handle.
The solution is good as a temporary infrastructure. However, for most educators and also students it will not be enough in the long run. We perceive there is a change in thinking.
Society has reached a new normal. Social distancing phases may reappear (potentially even in autumn 2020 with the 2nd wave of COVID-19). But also the mix of distance and present learning has shown many opportunities which institutes want to exploit also in the post-COVID-19 era.
Here I list some important limitations in such a Google-based or similar solution are (from my humble point of view):
In short it is a pretty limited setup.
But still, you can bind in all SkyRadar radars, invite students to call them up remotely.
While the lecturer starts and operates the radar(s), which can be shared via Google Meets, the students can access the radars through the FreeScopes User Interface from their home computer.
They can do radar experiments independently and share the results with the teacher. Social distancing and blended learning can work well together.
The screen above shows on the left side the user interface FreeScopes and on the right side the video-conference with the lecturer.
Moodle was started as by the educator and scientist Martin Dougiamas in the early 2000s. It had an instant success and wiped many of the at that time dominating costly Learning Management Systems (LMS) away.
Moodle has several advantages:
But what are the disadvantages? Such a solution needs somebody who is in charge. Who makes sure that it does not evolve into the wrong direction.
Also the solution needs to be installed in contrast to the Google Apps which you just start decentrally.
To make life easier, SkyRadar provides pre-configured solutions to help academies to make an easy start.
The "sequencing" of unrelated contents into something new enables every teacher to create his or her own student-centric blended learning paths.
In the course of such a sequence, SkyRadar FreeScope sequences can be integrated. Specific exercises can be executed under the instruction of the lecturer. Results can be verified through various test mechanisms.
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The author, Dr. Ulrich Scholten started to develop web-based simulations and e-Learning in 1998. Since 2000 he implemented SCORM-based solutions and participated in countless research projects and publications. Since 2008, he applies all his knowledge and experience on radar training solutions, making SkyRadar the first providers for distance learning and SCORM compliant radar training environment world-wide. Dr. Scholten regularly publishes peer-reviewed scientific papers in the fields of cloud computing, sensing and the IoT. He was associated research scientist at the Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI), a partnership by KIT and IBM.