SkySim provides simple settings for ATSEP and military radar qualification. Inhouse and distance learning are possible. This video shows in a short scene how to configure radar rotation speed and frame rate. Once set, it will change for all concurrently learning students.
Technical Simulator for ATSEP Training
The simulator allows for ATSEP qualification training following the EASA Easy Access Rules for ATM and for ICAO Doc 10057. It provides a variety of radar modes (pulse, pulse compression, FMCW, Doppler) and many applications (read more). It can be used in conjunction with all FreeScopes Packages.
Technical Simulator for Military Radar and Electronic Warfare Training
Military radar officers can benefit from all the advantages described above in the ATSEP section. In addition they benefit from a huge library of Electronic Warfare applications. The simulator can set a variety of jamming and deception functionalities. Special EW freescopes packages provide counter-countermeasure to mitigate the attacks. Delivery is subject to European trade regulations.
Setting Frame Rate and Rotation Speed
The following video shows how easy it is to set frame rate and rotation speed.
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