
Data Processing (DPR) for Qualification Training of ATSEP (Video)

SkyRadar's package for data processing and facilities is continuously growing. Watch the video example showing how to monitor signals and UPS devices with the SNMP protocol. You will also be introduced to simple control tasks. The simulator and DPR package allow to conduct many DPR and SMC exercises, as defined in the EASA Easy Access Rules (EU Regulation 2017/373).

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FreeScopes Version 8 - With Many New Features Like Mathematical Functions, Signal Generator and a Large Library of Executable Blog Diagrams (Video)

FreeScopes Version 8 is the revolution for #ATSEP qualification training. It provides a more comfortable handling, includes mathematical features and signal generatiors. It also embraces a large library of block diagrams from the world of SUR, COM and NAV. Watch the Video.

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The Future of Radar Training: Discover the Advantages of SkyRadar's FreeScopes

SkyRadar's FreeScopes platform offers a range of distinctive advantages and unique characteristics that make it an ideal choice for educational institutions and training programs focused on radar technology and signal processing.

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ATSEP Use Cases: Impact of Target Tracking Errors on ATC

Target tracking errors in ATC processing compromise situational awareness, increase collision risks, and hinder operational efficiency, impacting safety and airspace management.

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How to Update NextGen and CloudServer (Videos)

This article describes the simple update process of SkyRadar and NextGen.

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What is behind FreeScopes ATC I and II ? (Video)

This brief video outlines FreeScopes ATC I and ATC II within a broader framework. It demonstrates how the algorithms enhance ATSEP skills, building upon the foundations established by FreeScopes Basic I and II.

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ATSEP Use Cases: Impact of Transmitter Errors due to Synchronization Issues with the Receiver in ATC

Air Traffic Control (ATC) is a crucial component of the aviation industry as it ensures safe and efficient air travel. One of the key elements of ATC is the communication system between air traffic controllers and pilots, which relies heavily on radio transmission.

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Cybersecurity in ATM: Investigating VPN Logs in Incident Response

For about two decades, security leaders were told over and over by many vendors that the key to good security is setting up proper VPNs (virtual private networks) which promised encryption and protection against malicious actors. With the rise of remote work, global work forces, contractors and trusted 3rd parties having access to the company network, having the right solution in place, coupled with proper logging and monitoring, can help you detect any potential issues before they become a major incident.

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SkyRadar Joins IFATSEA's ARM 24 as a Proud Partner: Elevating ATSEP Training and Expertise

As the world of air traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP) continues to evolve with technological advancements, SkyRadar is proud to announce our partnership with the IFATSEA Assembly and Regional Meeting (IFATSEA ARM 24) on June 25th -28th in Casablanca, Morocco. This collaboration highlights our commitment to enhancing the skills and knowledge of ATSEP professionals globally.

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