
Tutorial - Using the NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Module for Artificial Intelligence to Understand Finger-Counting-Based Gestures

In the following we introduce a SkyRadar NextGen 8 GHz Pulse application for artificial intelligence. In this application students learn how neural networks / artificial intelligence, and especially Convolution Neural networks can be applied to perform the automatic detection of a human gesture by using RADAR technologies.

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Video Introduction to SkyRadar's NavAids Simulator - VHF Omnidirectional Range VOR

The video gives a quick introduction into SkyRadar's VOR section in the NavAids simulator, made for ATSEP and ATCO personnel in civil aviation.

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Video Introduction to SkyRadar's NavAids Simulator - Polar Beam Patterns

This video gives a short presentation on the display of polar beam patterns in SkyRadar's NavAids simulator at the example of the CSB Course Beam Pattern.

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Optimizing Cargo Processes after COVID-19 - IATA's e-Cargo fits perfectly!

Aviation processes are under pressure. The COVID-19 crises raised the demand for a slimming-down and optimization of processes. On the other hand, aviation logistics needs to be flexible enough to be able to rapidly react and adapt, when areas are under pressure, or in need of medical or other emergency supplies.

This article presents IATA's e-CARGO as suitable solution. Then it introduces SkyRadar's e-Cargo Training Suite.

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Tutorial: Overview of Results in the Domain of Classifications of RADAR Objects Using Hidden Markov Models, Neural Networks and Other M.L. Techniques

In this article, we shall detail the main results and implementation regarding the processing and classification of RADAR objects using Machine Learning (M.L) techniques such as Hidden Markov Models, Neural Networks or others.

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COVID-19 Impact & Aftermaths: Digitization of ATCO & ATSEP Qualification

The world is in a stage of social distancing and lockdown. At the same time it is reinventing itself. Here are suggestions for a situational digitization of ATCO and ATSEP qualification and ways to finance them.

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Tutorial: Support Vector Machines for Automatic RADAR Recognition - A Theoretical Foundation

In the present tutorial, we shall explain what are the Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and how the kernel-based SVM classifiers are working.

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Tutorial: Understanding Machine Learning and Deep Learning

In what follows we will present examples of Deep Learning networks and detail their various designs. It is a detailed tutorial, written for students and engineers who want to acquire a profound understanding of the subject.

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SkyRadar's NavAids Simulator including ILS, DME and VOR. A Detailed Introduction (Video)

In the following video, we present SkyRadar's NavAids simulator. The video gives insight into the ILS module, the DME section and VOR.

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