
ATSEP Use Cases: Impact of Power Source Issues due to UPS Related Errors in ATC

UPS-related power source errors have a significant impact on ATC, leading to potential disruptions in communication, radar systems, and critical equipment. See the details and learn how SkySMC can be used to train ATSEP on this use case.

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Virtual Towers and their Impact on Remote Monitoring Architecture and ATSEP Qualification

The introduction of virtual towers, as defined in EUROCAE Standard ED-240A, and the remote working of Air Traffic Controllers and Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEPs) will bring a plethora of advantages for ATC. It also requires modern Remote Monitoring and Control Systems and a Specific Skill Set for ATSEP.

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4 Videos on SkyRadar's Training Solution for System Monitoring and Control

Four videos provide a deep insight into SkyRadar's SMC infrastructure and exercises for ATSEP qualification in compliance with EASA's Easy Access Rules for Air Traffic Management.

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EUROCONTROL’s Website Attack And Ongoing Cybersecurity Implications

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack on Eurocontrol's website has serious consequences, with the potential to disrupt air traffic control across Europe.

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ATSEP Use Cases: Errors in Waveguide Transmission Media

A waveguide is a structure designed to confine and guide electromagnetic waves, typically in the microwave frequency range. It can be considered a hollow metal tube that serves as a low-loss transmission line for high-frequency signals.

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ATSEP Use Cases: Instrument Misuse Error

In air traffic control services, instrument misuse errors refer to errors made by air traffic controllers in using air traffic control equipment or systems, such as radars, communication systems, or flight data processing systems.

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The Cyber Threat Landscape Of The Aviation Sector

The ENISA Threat Landscape - Transport Sector  report was recently published, focusing on the EU and four transport sectors - aviation, maritime, rail, and road. In this article, we discuss what is important for Aviation.

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Comparing Various Algorithms to Monitor Moving Targets (Video)

This video illustrates how to monitor moving targets through various alternative algorithms. It provides an easy to follow introduction into the setup of a radar block diagram and its scopes (A-Scope, PPI) using previously recorded IQ data.

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Micro-Doppler Frequencies Visualized with the NextGen and FreeScopes (Video)

In this video we visualize the movement of a Fidget Spinner (hand-held toy) with the 8 GHz Pulse Radar, a Fast Fourier Transformation and a Heatmap in FreeScopes

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