
Troubleshooting Kit in the Radar & SMC Laboratory (Videos)

ATSEP need to service redundant sets of transmitters & receivers remotely. This includes remote monitoring of system health, emergency switching in case of system degradation, but also the regular switching between operational and idle modes. SkyRadar's Radar Trouble-Shooting Kit allows to perform a plethora of important actions, all while being connected to a system monitoring and control training system.

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Cybersecurity in ATM: Leveraging Anti-Virus Logs for Incident Response

As part of our series on how incident response teams leverage different parts of the security stack for investigations, we now are going to look at how anti-virus logs are used and can be used.

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ATSEP Use Cases: Impact of Transmission Media Error due to Encoder in ATC

Air Traffic Control (ATC) is a critical component of modern aviation, responsible for the safe and efficient movement of aircraft. ATC relies on accurate and reliable transmission of data between various components of the system.

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Radar and SMC Laboratory to Conduct Training Conform to ICAO DOC 10057 & EU Reg 2017/373 (Video)

This modular laboratory allows training from radar basics to complex ATSEP calibration, parametrization and switching procedures. Optionally it can include a unit on electronic warfare. It also includes SkyRadar's SMC suite with a miniaturized ATM infrastructure.

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Cybersecurity in ATM : Incident Response using the Security Stack – Office 365 Logs

As part of our ongoing series regarding how each part of an organization’s security stack helps the incident response and forensic teams perform their analysis, we are going to now discuss Office 365 logs and the details it captures as teams interact with services held there. 

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ATSEP Use Cases: Impact of Transmitter Errors due to Power Drop in ATC

Transmitter errors due to power drop in ATC can jeopardize safety, causing distorted communication and potential dangers. Reliable backup power systems are crucial to prevent such issues and maintain continuous communication for safe air traffic control.

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Cybersecurity in ATM : Taking Apart the Security Stack in Incident Response (Part 2) - Investigations Using Proxy Logs

This article explores incident response investigations using proxy logs to uncover security gaps in email filtering.

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Cybersecurity in ATM : Taking Apart the Security Stack in Incident Response (Part 1) - Email investigations

Malicious actors regardless of motivation, whether financial or hacktivism, tend to look for the path of least resistance. In many data breaches, when forensic teams investigate the root cause, they end up tracing it back to email as the initial vector of the breach, where it all began. The reason this turns out to be the most lucrative for all attackers is the fundamentals of human psychology.

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ATSEP Use Cases - Confronting Phase Matching Transmission Errors in Air Traffic Control

Air Traffic Control (ATC) systems ensure safe air travel. Transmission errors, like phase matching, can compromise safety. This article examines the impact, causes, incidents, and solutions for transmission media errors caused by phase matching in ATC.

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