
In January 2021, SkyRadar introduced the new Radar User Interface and Control Center "FreeScopes 7".

Per drag-and-drop, students can now freely and individually assemble radar block diagrams (filters, algorithms and scopes) and work on live data just in time.
FreeScopes can be connected to SkyRadar's NextGen training radars.

Per drag-and-drop, students can now freely and individually assemble radar block diagrams (filters, algorithms and scopes) and work on live data just in time.

The software includes lots of new blocks, providing

  • many new vector blocks with like 1-dimensional FFT, CFAR, I & Q data selectors, and more
  • new multi-dimensional features like the 3-dimensional scope and algorithms like 2-dimensional CFAR or 2-dimensional FFT, Windows Functions ( Hann, Hamming, Blackman) and more
  • special Air Traffic Control oriented blocks like plots, tracks and Moving Target Detection MTD

Apart from working on live data, it now allows to also work on prerecorded data.

Complete introductory article

Read the full article explaining FreeScopes 7 and all its innovation under this link. You also find details on

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