
Ulrich Scholten, PhD

Ulrich is cofounder of SkyRadar, taking care of the procedural and software parts. He has been working for the aviation control market since the early 2000s, trying to blend qualification requirements in ATC with modern and scalable technical solutions. Ulrich holds a PhD in information technology and in several patents on modern radars. His research is regularly published in A-rated journals. Ulrich has spoken in 100+ Universities, Academies and Research Centers around the world and is co-editor of several security related blogs with more than 100.000 monthly readers.

Electronic Warfare - Reflection Power Tracking Algorithm to Neutralize Range Deception (Video)

This article introduces a "reflection power tracking", a statistical method to neutralize range deception. It shows a training implementation in FreeScopes.

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ATSEP, Hosting and Schrems II: Ensuring Data Protection in Remote Air Traffic Control and Virtualization

In the context of remote air traffic control operations and service virtualization, legal considerations regarding data sovereignty and data regionality come into play.

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Virtualization in ANSPs, Airports, and Airlines: Fostering Resilience, Efficiency, and Dynamic Interoperability

Unlocking resilience, efficiency, and interoperability in ANSPs, airports, and airlines through virtualization. This article describes how to optimize resources, enhance security, and drive success.

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Virtual Towers and their Impact on Remote Monitoring Architecture and ATSEP Qualification

The introduction of virtual towers, as defined in EUROCAE Standard ED-240A, and the remote working of Air Traffic Controllers and Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEPs) will bring a plethora of advantages for ATC. It also requires modern Remote Monitoring and Control Systems and a Specific Skill Set for ATSEP.

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4 Videos on SkyRadar's Training Solution for System Monitoring and Control

Four videos provide a deep insight into SkyRadar's SMC infrastructure and exercises for ATSEP qualification in compliance with EASA's Easy Access Rules for Air Traffic Management.

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Comparing Various Algorithms to Monitor Moving Targets (Video)

This video illustrates how to monitor moving targets through various alternative algorithms. It provides an easy to follow introduction into the setup of a radar block diagram and its scopes (A-Scope, PPI) using previously recorded IQ data.

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FreeScopes and SkySim Release 7.7.0 comes Feb. 28, 2023

The new release 7.7.0 for FeeScopes and SkySim comes on Feb 28, 2023. It includes major improvements in ATC I and extensions of ATC II. Disturbance Filtering & Analysis I and 2 SkySim packages are joining the product family.

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SkySMC - System Monitoring & Control Software for ATSEP Training - Full Logic in Virtual Reality and Real Life (Video)

This video illustrates how the SMC software, the distributed control system and the 3D virtual reality provide a perfect learning experience to ATSEP.

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System Monitoring & Control with SkySMC in a Nutshell (Video)

With SkySMC SkyRadar created an environment for ATSEP to learn System Monitoring & Control, while working with SMC software, training hardware, virtualized and simulated infrastructure as well as virtual reality.

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