
Ulrich Scholten, PhD

Ulrich is cofounder of SkyRadar, taking care of the procedural and software parts. He has been working for the aviation control market since the early 2000s, trying to blend qualification requirements in ATC with modern and scalable technical solutions. Ulrich holds a PhD in information technology and in several patents on modern radars. His research is regularly published in A-rated journals. Ulrich has spoken in 100+ Universities, Academies and Research Centers around the world and is co-editor of several security related blogs with more than 100.000 monthly readers.

Detailed Information on Compliance with Standards and Regulations of SkyRadar's Aerodrome Simulator

SkyRadar's aerodrome simulator builds on a fully operational ATC / ATM System (with many operational references) connected to a simulation environment. Being implemented by many civil aviation authorities, it has by default to be compliant with ICAO standards and national regulations.

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The Most Precise Training SAR in the World - Insights, Video Footage, Background-Information

SAR is a method of synthetically increasing the aperture of an antenna to achieve a finer spatial resolution of the target. The method finds increasing application in Civil Aviation and industry. This article describes and shows videos of measurements, taken with SkyRadar's SAR training radar.

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Advancing RADAR for everyone - A Vision

We started more than 10 years ago. We were driven by the idea of blending radar and Web technology. Our idea was to bring radars to unknown performance, all while bringing costs down to the bottom-line. Now we are adding medical applications, robotics, AI and industrial applications. And it is just the beginning...

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ATSEP & ATCO: 5 Success Factors for Your Integrated Aerodrome & Radar Training System

ATC training is costly. But the personnel needs to be qualified, including regular refresher trainings. How to be able to afford the right unit and continuation training for ATSEP and ATCO in the same time? Here is a solution.

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Familiarizing ATCO & ATSEP with Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) for Air Traffic Control

Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) is a vital add-on in many Air Traffic Control systems avoiding fatal errors and reducing system down-times. However, the efficiency of BITE and hence passenger safety depends on the personnel's familiarization with the equipment, rapid recovery strategies and the choice of the right equipment. This article introduces into BITE and suggests related qualification aids for ATCO and ATSEP.

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8.2 Billion Air Travellers in 2037 (IATA) - What needs to change in ATC & how will that impact training

8.2 Billion Air Travelers in 2037 if policies remain constant, but with a policy stimulus we will crack the 10 billion passenger line. How can aviation infrastructure grow, how can air traffic control infrastructure keep pace and how can we make sure we will have enough, and sufficiently trained personnel?

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ICAO 10057: How to choose the right ATC training infrastructure for ATSEP (ACC, APP, TWR)

Competency-based training for Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel is challenging. Trainees need an operating replication of a real ATC environment including AIS, Meteorology, Communication (voice and data), navigation, surveillance, data processing and automation, system monitoring and cyber security infrastructure. This article suggests and approach of how to proceed.

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IATA's eCargo - Understanding the Air Cargo Industry Master Operating Plan

When IATA first introduced the e-Cargo process, it received a very positive echo, as promises to enhance end-to-end efficiency and safety of the whole air cargo supply chain. But many airports and aviation academies ask the question of how to best implement the process and how to qualify the concerned personnel. This article has the answers.  

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