
Ulrich Scholten, PhD

Ulrich is cofounder of SkyRadar, taking care of the procedural and software parts. He has been working for the aviation control market since the early 2000s, trying to blend qualification requirements in ATC with modern and scalable technical solutions. Ulrich holds a PhD in information technology and in several patents on modern radars. His research is regularly published in A-rated journals. Ulrich has spoken in 100+ Universities, Academies and Research Centers around the world and is co-editor of several security related blogs with more than 100.000 monthly readers.

Air Traffic Control and ATC-Qualification Need To Get Structurally Prepared On Pandemics

SARS, Ebola, Corona - the frequency of regional or global epidemics is rising. We need to get structurally prepared on operations in times of such epidemics.

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Video Introduction to SkyRadar's NavAids Simulator - ILS, DME and VOR (Video)

SkyRadar's NavAids simulator is the ATCO's and ATSEP's qualification tool to using and servicing the airports' Instrument Landing Systems, Distance Measuring Equipment and VOR.

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SkyRadar NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Radar: Comparing Fixed Threshold with C-FAR (Video)

In this short video blog we compare a fixed threshold with the more versatile C-FAR algorithm.

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NextGen 8 GHz Radar - Working with FreeScopes and the Floating Panels (VIDEO)

The 8 GHz Pulse Radar is available now. It is simple to handle, more precise than any other training Pulse Radar and perfectly responding to ICAO's NGAP programme to attract and qualify high-performers.

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The NextGen 8 GHz Pulse AI - It Is Time for a Revolution

SkyRadar's NextGen Pulse Radar operates in the x-band, just like en-route radars in ATC, as well as military and marine radars. It includes all the important features needed by ATCOs and ATSEPs and reaches up to Artificial Intelligence. Its modular structure allows to customize it on university requirements as well.

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The New NavAids Simulator - The Practitioners' Tool for ATSEP and ATCO

SkyRadar introduces the new NavAids Simulator, focusing on ILS, DME and VOR. It is a tool to qualify and train air traffic electronics personnel & Air Traffic Controllers.

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FreeScopes 6.0 - Presenting "Clean" Targets Quickly and Comfortably

We prepared a short video for you. We chose our 4 m x 4 m metal workshop as location. So you see how the radar and FreeScopes handle clutter and work in small unfavorable environments. You also get a feeling on the UI's basic features and the comfort.

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Artificial Intelligence: Deep Learning in Radar Detection - Getting Prepared for Tomorrow, Now!

Deep Learning Algorithms produce better-than-human results in image recognition, generating a close to zero fault rate [1]. This article shows how this works in radar technology and explains, how Artificial Intelligence can be taught in University Education and NextGen ATC qualification.

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Read out the IQ data via our Programming Interface (Web-API) - And use it in MATLAB, Jupyter etc

More and more users want to access our radar raw data and read out IQ data directly. Having the raw data in a well digestible data format makes it easy to do the further treatment in any numerical computing environment. Research on new algorithms on real-time data becomes comfortable and powerful.

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