
Ulrich Scholten, PhD

Ulrich is cofounder of SkyRadar, taking care of the procedural and software parts. He has been working for the aviation control market since the early 2000s, trying to blend qualification requirements in ATC with modern and scalable technical solutions. Ulrich holds a PhD in information technology and in several patents on modern radars. His research is regularly published in A-rated journals. Ulrich has spoken in 100+ Universities, Academies and Research Centers around the world and is co-editor of several security related blogs with more than 100.000 monthly readers.

Walking through the Basic Functions of FreeScopes (Video)

For beginners, it is difficult to start off and to enter the radar world. The pedagogically designed FreeScopes application together with SkyRadar's radars gives easy access to the concept of radars - hands on.

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24 GHz PSR & NextGen 8GHz Pulse Radar - Training Exercise Manual

This document describes exercises for the SkyRadar 24 GHz PSR as well as for the NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Radar.

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Mohammed VI International Academy of Civil Aviation - A Role Model for Future Oriented Education in Times of COVID-19

Mohammed VI International Academy of Civil Aviation (AIAC) in Morocco has implemented a distance education system to ensure educational continuity by providing its students with high quality digital and audiovisual resources to continue studying from home.

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SkyRadar NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Radar: Video on the Measurement of the Radar Cross Section in PPI and A-Scope

Radar cross-section (RCS) is the cross section of an object as seen by a radar. A larger RCS indicates that an object is more easily detected.

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SkyRadar NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Radar: Video on the Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) in PPI and A-Scope

In this video we show how the CFAR can help to display targets clearly in the radar scopes (A-Scopes and PPI).

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Video Introduction to SkyRadar's NavAids Simulator - VHF Omnidirectional Range VOR

The video gives a quick introduction into SkyRadar's VOR section in the NavAids simulator, made for ATSEP and ATCO personnel in civil aviation.

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Video Introduction to SkyRadar's NavAids Simulator - Polar Beam Patterns

This video gives a short presentation on the display of polar beam patterns in SkyRadar's NavAids simulator at the example of the CSB Course Beam Pattern.

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COVID-19 Impact & Aftermaths: Digitization of ATCO & ATSEP Qualification

The world is in a stage of social distancing and lockdown. At the same time it is reinventing itself. Here are suggestions for a situational digitization of ATCO and ATSEP qualification and ways to finance them.

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SkyRadar's NavAids Simulator including ILS, DME and VOR. A Detailed Introduction (Video)

In the following video, we present SkyRadar's NavAids simulator. The video gives insight into the ILS module, the DME section and VOR.

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