
Ulrich Scholten, PhD

Ulrich is cofounder of SkyRadar, taking care of the procedural and software parts. He has been working for the aviation control market since the early 2000s, trying to blend qualification requirements in ATC with modern and scalable technical solutions. Ulrich holds a PhD in information technology and in several patents on modern radars. His research is regularly published in A-rated journals. Ulrich has spoken in 100+ Universities, Academies and Research Centers around the world and is co-editor of several security related blogs with more than 100.000 monthly readers.

Cyber Security in ATC - Lessons Learnt from Gartner's 2021 Cybersecurity Trend Report and its Implications on ATSEP Training

Gartner's 2021 report on cyber security was published just now. And it shows important trends in cybersecurity. This article discusses the implications for ATC cybersecurity and ATSEP qualification and training needs in particular.

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The B-Scopes in FreeScopes 7 (Video)

The FreeScopes Module Basic I includes the B-scopes. This video shows its functionalities and explains how it can be applied just in time on live IQ data in a bloc diagram editor.

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NextGen Pulse Training Radar & FreeScopes 7 - Beautiful Images in the PPI & a Thrilling Technology (Video)

We walked in front of a rotating radar. Look at the impressive images and the toolset for education in ATSEP, vocational qualification and university education.

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ATSEP Education in ATM Cyber Security

New ATM system generations will be more open and flexible, making them a target for cyber attacks and terrorism. This article discusses solutions for ATSEP basic and on-the-job education on cyber-security.

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Intelligent Radar Sensors Integrated into the Industrial Internet of Things

Digital industrial platforms like those of General Electric, Siemens or Bosch are emerging. They start as the heart of a service-led Industry 4.0 manufacturing process. But they have the potential to become the heart of a platform-based, agile and highly innovative internet of things.

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FreeScopes 7 - Module Basic II

FreeScopes Basic II is the advanced module in SkyRadar's modular radar analytics and visualization environment. It includes important two-dimensional functions like 2D-Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), 2D-CFAR. It also includes additional functions like the spectogram, several windows functions and a 3D Scope. This article introduces into the module.

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FreeScopes 7 - Module Basic I

FreeScopes Basic I is the fundamental module in SkyRadar's modular radar analytics and visualization environment. It includes all the fundamental virtual scopes, filters and algorithms. This article introduces into the module.

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FreeScopes Version 7 is available now! With Modular Radar Block Diagrams and Lots of New Features

FreeScopes 7 allows students to read live raw data from radar sensors and to assemble their radar block diagrams on the screen, including A-Scopes, B-Scopes and the PPI.

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Development Service for Radar Algorithms in ATC and Industry

SkyRadar offers development services for algorithms and software development around radars and their analytic backbone, building on its yearlong experience and inhouse expertise.

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