
Kenneth Vignali

Kenneth Vignali is an expert in cyber security including Open-Source Intelligence Investigations, Digital Forensics and Incident Response as well as general cyber security best practices for their client base. Prior to becoming a cybersecurity consultant, he has worked with several large Fortune 500 companies and local and state governments while serving as a Senior Security Advisor for Dell SecureWorks. In his time at SecureWorks, he became a trusted advisor to executives including CIOs and CISOs and led various enterprise-wide security projects for over 7 years. Prior to his current career, he spent 8 years in the US Army serving in roles from threat intelligence, artillery and led a Personal Security Detail team for US officers in Iraq, providing security for key high-level personnel while advising the Iraqi military and government.

Cybersecurity in ATM : Incident Response using the Security Stack – Office 365 Logs

As part of our ongoing series regarding how each part of an organization’s security stack helps the incident response and forensic teams perform their analysis, we are going to now discuss Office 365 logs and the details it captures as teams interact with services held there. 

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Cybersecurity in ATM : Taking Apart the Security Stack in Incident Response (Part 2) - Investigations Using Proxy Logs

This article explores incident response investigations using proxy logs to uncover security gaps in email filtering.

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Cybersecurity in ATM : Taking Apart the Security Stack in Incident Response (Part 1) - Email investigations

Malicious actors regardless of motivation, whether financial or hacktivism, tend to look for the path of least resistance. In many data breaches, when forensic teams investigate the root cause, they end up tracing it back to email as the initial vector of the breach, where it all began. The reason this turns out to be the most lucrative for all attackers is the fundamentals of human psychology.

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Cyber-Security in Air Traffic Management: Understanding the Power of the Cyber-Security Stack

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, Air Navigation Service Providers and Airports face an ongoing battle against sophisticated threats. To safeguard sensitive data and ensure business continuity, an effective security strategy is important. At the heart of this strategy lies the security stack, a layered approach that fortifies the digital infrastructure against a wide array of cyber threats. In this article, we embark on a journey to explore the intricacies of the security stack, its components, and their vital role in investigating cyber incidents.

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Hybrid Defense for Air Force and Navy

Military forces around the world have had to contend with political issues between their nations for thousands of years. In the early days of our world, wars would be fought over land, property, kingdoms, resources, and differences in belief systems. The world has evolved over the past several centuries between the bronze age, renaissance and industrial.

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