
Dawn Illing

Dawn Illing has over 25 years of product management experience in the banking, insurance and cyber security industries. With a passion to follow industry changes, standards and regulations, Dawn has released many successful products and services to market, ahead of competitors. By working internationally across EMEA, this has inspired her interest in cross-border digital identity and cyber security, including the interoperable requirements that necessitate successful delivery of digital product and market solutions.

EUROCONTROL’s Website Attack And Ongoing Cybersecurity Implications

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack on Eurocontrol's website has serious consequences, with the potential to disrupt air traffic control across Europe.

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The Cyber Threat Landscape Of The Aviation Sector

The ENISA Threat Landscape - Transport Sector  report was recently published, focusing on the EU and four transport sectors - aviation, maritime, rail, and road. In this article, we discuss what is important for Aviation.

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Expert Voice Article - Digital Identity and how Digital Onboarding to an eID Wallet Takes Place

The ability to digitally prove who you are on a national scale across the private and public sectors has the potential to improve user experience, strengthen security, and boost economic growth. For the consumer, it’s about simplicity, transparency, personal control of data, and reliability.

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Innovation In The Sky - EUROCONTROL’s Air Transport Innovation Network

EUROCONTROL’s Air Transport Innovation Network, EUROCONTROL’s Innovation Hub is paramount for developing agile digital solutions and services.

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Cybersecurity Challenges in Air Traffic Management

Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems support aircraft in their transition from departure to destination. Given their strategic importance to societies and economies, they are an appealing target for cyber threat actors.

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