
Alex Cosper

Alex Cosper worked in the radio industry for many years. His vision is to explain complex technology in an understandable and application-oriented way to practitioners. Frequencies play a major role in Alex's job and in his leisure time. To many people, Alex is well known as a brilliant singer and musician.

Cybersecurity & ATSEP: Security Orchestration, Automation & Response

A cybersecurity software platform with capabilities of automation and integration with other technology designed for a Security Operations Center (SOC) is known as a Security Orchestration, Automation & Response (SOAR) solution. This technology is growing in adoption among security and risk management decision makers. Here's a look at how SOARs function and respond to cyberthreats.

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Cybersecurity & ATSEP: Incident management in Security Operations Centers

Security Operations Center (SOCs) are IT units within organizations such as Air Traffic Control or Airport Units that focus on cybersecurity issues. The IT security team at these centers monitors, identifies and analyzes network infrastructure for cyberthreats. Their job is to conduct risk assessment, mitigate risks by taking proactive measures and respond to threats. This team must also communicate with the broader organization's personnel on steps to maintain network safety.

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Cybersecurity & ATSEP: Typical tools in Security Operations Centers

The rise of Security Operations Centers (SOCs) has helped strengthen cybersecurity for business networks. The three categories that help improve an SOC through investment in tools are: 1) visibility, 2) analysis and 3) action and management. Let's take a closer look at the tools used in SOCs and what operators must know about integrating new applications in the future.

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Cybersecurity & ATSEP: Security Operations Centers (SOC) in ATC

Cybersecurity should be a top concern of any business these days, particularly for those in industries that deal with public safety. Air Traffic Control centers must be well prepared to deal with cyberthreats. Recent attacks on large entities such as Air India, the Colonial Pipeline and the Irish Health system elevate the discussion on planning for continuous improvements in cybersecurity. Here's a look at solutions for the aviation industry to make data transmission over electronic networks are as safe as possible.

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Challenges in Automotive Radars - To be addressed in Radar Training

Today's auto mechanics who undergo automotive radar training are called "autotronics technicians." They must be knowledgeable about the part of the electromagnetic spectrum called millimeter waves, located between microwave and infrared waves. This frequency range covers 30 gigahertz (GHz) to  300 GHz. It allows for faster digital communications using radar and 5G. Here's a look at how millimeter waves facilitate automotive radar training and testing.

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Understanding Radar Antenna Beams, Half Power Beam Width (HPBW) and First Null Beam Width (FNBW)

Everyone knows what an antenna is when they see one and many people generally understand its purpose. But beyond that the science of wireless communication is often left to IT specialists and engineers. It helps to tell yourself circular graphs aren't really that overwhelming. Here are the basics for a more technical understanding of antenna beams and how they work.

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