
How To Qualify ATCO & ATSEP for Preventing Accidents and For Keeping Control in Precarious Situations

Tragic accidents keep on happening with intensifying air traffic. Although we might never bring the risk down to zero, there are ways to minimize it and in the unfortunate case of an accident to have emergency protocols in place that will limit the damage.

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Analyzing the Tragic Accident of the Pakistan International Airline Flight 8303 on 22 May 2020

In this article we analyze the tragic accident of the Pakistan International Airline Flight 8303 on 22 May 2020.

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Social Distancing, Blended Learning and Virtual Labs with SkyRadar

Many academies and universities are contemplating how to get started again. What are the necessary steps? Are they costly? How can blended learning and virtual labs be rapidly set up?

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Radar Education - Let Us Bury the Cold War Paradigm!

Radar has become a key sensor technology in automotive, medicine, automation, and - of course - in air traffic control and homeland security. New skills are needed to make it a success. But still curricula are dominated by dinosaur concepts like phased array, chaff clouds, jamming and electronic counter measures. Hey, let us bury that. And let us educate responsible members of our society to build a peaceful future. We need no backward oriented half-educated dummies, who are an easy prey for ruthless leaders. An appeal ...

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Comprehensive Training Manual

This document builds on our curriculum and makes suggestions on how to teach with the SkyRadar Pulse, PSR and the FMCW.

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Curriculum for NextGen 8 GHz Pulse, 24 GHz PSR and 24 GHz FMCW

This document suggests a curriculum to teach with the SkyRadar Pulse, PSR and the FMCW. It is a practically oriented curriculum for bachelor studies in engineering universities and air traffic control personnel (ATCO and ATSEP).

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NavAids: Video Introduction to SkyRadar's Localizer Array Antenna Beamforming

The video gives a quick introduction into Localizer Array Antenna Beamforming in SkyRadar's  NavAids simulator, made for ATSEP and ATCO personnel in civil aviation.

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Walking through the Basic Functions of FreeScopes (Video)

For beginners, it is difficult to start off and to enter the radar world. The pedagogically designed FreeScopes application together with SkyRadar's radars gives easy access to the concept of radars - hands on.

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An Introduction to I/Q Signals

Why do we use I/Q signals in radar technology? Here you find a simple explanation.

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Power Spectral Density Analysis - a Feature in FreeScopes

The power spectral density (PSD) of a signal describes the distribution of power into the frequency components, which compose the resulting signal. Power spectral density is commonly expressed in watts per hertz (W/Hz).

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