Exposure to common and not so common operational situations are a key component of air traffic control training. This is accomplished using highly-advanced simulators that create conditions for not only normal day-to-day operations that air traffic controllers are exposed to but also emergency and failure situations that they might not encounter often in real traffic.
This prepares controllers to handle events that are out of the ordinary scope of day-to-day operations.
One such simulator is an aerodrome simulator that exposes air traffic control students to such simulations. Ideally, simulations such as ACC. APP, TWR, GND and other operations they will encounter in real-life situations as lATCOs should be seamlessly presented on an aerodrome simulator.
Depending on the specialisation chosen by the air traffic control student, he or she will need to be exposed to various situations they will normally encounter on the job. Students will also need to know how to handle situations that are exceptions to the norm, including emergency situations that while they might never experience, they still need to be prepared for.
Also known as en route, center or area control, the ACC is the area control center. ACC air traffic controllers issue clearances and instructions to aircraft that is airborne and may also provide ATC services to smaller airports.
Training for TWR and GND are typically done with 3D tower simulators and a replica of the ATC control center. Ideally, the simulations are seamless to allow ATCO students the opportunity to learn all procedures and handshake procedures.Depending on the configuration, it would be preferable for a training solution to include working positions for:
Pseudo-pilots (individuals, often real pilots who would control arriving virtual aircraft and communicate with the controller trainees)
The training solution should also include a simulation of the TWR and GND area and digital maps of the included airspaces (databases and videomap-set). Additionally, databases of aerodromes, aircrafts (including their performance parameters) and the flight strips (ideally electronic and printable) should also be included in the training solution.This training system should include a:
Voice Control System like in a real tower, ideally recordable to replay and discuss exercises
Time reference system
Flight data processing system FDPS
To respond to ICAO requirements, the front end should be adaptable to the real-life environment, to make it as realistic as possible. An ideal solution would be to use a real operational environment and just feed-in simulated data. Thus, all standards (like the ASTERIX message communication standard would be complied to).